Episode #183: Navigating Hormonal Shifts from Adolescence to Adulthood with Dr. Carrie Jones

What happens to your hormones when you are constantly exposed to toxins?


In this episode of the Biohacking Superhuman Podcast, we take a deep dive with Dr. Carrie Jones into the impact of chemicals and toxins on our health and hormonal balance. The alarming facts about scented hygiene products and plastic cups will make you rethink your daily habits. Switch gears as we talk about the importance of liver health, and how supporting it can help your body detoxify hormones better. You will also learn about hormonal issues that commonly arise in our 30s and the incredible power of small lifestyle changes to improve our health.


Towards the end, we discuss the controversial Women's Health Initiative (WHI) and its impact on hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The conversation clears up misconceptions about HRT and provides clarity about its potential risks and benefits. Learn how to navigate through this critical aspect of women's health and make informed decisions. Lastly, Dr. Jones and I emphasize the importance of thriving as we age, highlighting key elements like good nutrition, regular exercise, stress management, and positive relationships. 

Dr. Carrie Jones is a Naturopathic Physician who is board certified in Naturopathic Endocrinology (FABNE) with a Master's in Public Health (MPH) having over 17 years in the field of functional and integrative medicine. As former Adjunct Faculty for the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM), she has taught courses in both Gynecology and Advanced Endocrinology. She was the Medical Director for two large integrative clinics in Portland, Oregon and the Medical Director for Precision Analytical Inc, creators of the DUTCH Test for almost 10 years. 

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Find more from Dr. Carrie:


Website: https://www.drcarriejones.com/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.carriejones/ 

What we discuss:


(0:00:04) - Hormones and Longevity

(0:04:28) - Chemicals' Impact on Health and Puberty

(0:09:14) - The Impact of Toxins on Health

(0:13:09) - Hormones' Impact on Overall Health

(0:22:15) - Health and Aging in the 30s

(0:29:15) - Understanding Hormone Panels and Reference Ranges

(0:38:41) - Different Methods for Hormone Testing

(0:43:44) - Hormone Changes and Testing Guidelines

(0:56:54) - Women's Health Initiative and Hormone Therapy

(1:03:24) - Maintaining Joy and Thriving in Aging

(1:10:03) - Find Dr. Carrie Jones for Information

Key Takeaways:


  • Your hormones fluctuate throughout all stages of your life. That being said, it’s important to get your hormones checked more than once or twice throughout the years so you can establish your own baseline for medical practitioners to look back at.

  • The relationship between hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and breast cancer is a complex and debated topic, and research findings have evolved over the years. It is known that it can help relieve hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, mood swings, and sleep disturbances.

  • Perimenopause can start several years before menopause and typically occurs in a woman's 40s but can begin earlier or later. Some women may enter this new stage of life in their late 30s.