#309: Cordycepin and Methylene Blue: Two Game-Changers For Better Energy, Focus, Sleep, and So Much More With Dr. Scott Sherr
Today we’re talking about methylene blue—aka the stuff that biohackers love, and journalists love to call "fish tank cleaner."
Discover how methylene blue can serve as a redox cycling agent, enhancing mitochondrial function, supporting immune health, and even boosting mood.
Dr. Scott Sherr, the COO of Troscriptions and Director of Education at HOMeHOPe is here to break it all down, along with why some people (including my own father, by accident) have turned very blue using this stuff.
If you want to give methylene blue a try, visit Troscriptions.com and use code NAT10 for 10% off.
Learn so much more from Dr. Scott Sherr below:
Websites: integrativehbot.com, troscriptions.com, homehope.org
IG: @drscottsherr, @troscriptions, @homehopeorg
LinkedIn: linkedin/drsherr
What We discuss:
Focus on methylene blue and its benefits ... 00:04:33
Introduction to delivery systems and troches ... 00:09:00
Mitochondria's role in health ... 00:17:49
Methylene blue's impact on mitochondria ... 00:26:31
Dosage and its effects on different health issues ... 00:33:45
Cordycepin and immune support ... 00:50:39
GABAergic system and TroZ ... 01:00:59
Travel stack and recommendations ... 01:19:49
Closing thoughts and top tips for longevity ... 01:24:01
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