Posts tagged Epigenetics
Episode #241: Dr. Elizabeth Yurth & The Quest for Lifelong Vitality: Exploring Myths and Medicine

That's where Dr. Elizabeth Yurth comes in—guiding us through aging research with her knowledgeable insights. In today’s episode, we discuss anti-aging medicine, the pitfalls of research bias, and the gender discrepancies that muddy the waters of scientific studies. With a nod to John Ioannidis' work, we talk about the need for validating scientific claims. When theory meets practice, the truth can be surprising. We share firsthand experiences from clinical work, revealing how animal studies fare once they reach the human testing ground.

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Episode #127: Optimal Ranges for Blood Work & What They Actually Can Tell You

Functional medicine tests are great, but not everyone has the funds or access to a Functional MD. My guest, Dr. Suzanne Turner is the perfect doctor to talk with us about conventional and functional testing options, the suite of labs she prefers to run and what ranges she uses in her practice. She also dives into debunking cholesterol myths, how and where epigenetics fit in and of course, she’s not leaving the conversation without us discussing peptides, specifically AT1001 (Larazotide). If you have celiac, gluten sensitivity or leaky gut, this cutting-edge compound is something you may want to consider.

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Episode # 110: How to Get Younger as You Get Older

In this episode, Chris Mirabile, Co-Founder and CEO of NOVOS, and I discuss how to get younger as you get older. (Yes it’s possible, and we talk about how to measure this with epigenetic testing options!) Do you want to slow aging? Do you want to look younger?, or, Do you just want to optimize your longevity so your healthspan equals your lifespan? If you are curious about aging gracefully, this episode is a great opportunity to learn what are currently the most effective and time-tested ingredients on the market and the trends we are seeing in the anti aging industry.

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