Posts in Longevity and Anti-Aging
#315: Molecular Hydrogen: Tiny Molecule, Massive Health Impacts and So EASY to Add to Your Routine With Nathalie Niddam

Welcome to this episode of the Longevity Podcast! I'm your host, Nathalie Niddam. Today, I'm excited to dive into a topic that's been a favorite of mine for years but hasn't been discussed here in quite some time: molecular hydrogen. Join me as I explore this tiny yet incredibly powerful molecule that offers a plethora of health benefits. From its ability to manage inflammation and oxidative stress to enhancing exercise performance and recovery, molecular hydrogen is a fascinating subject in the realm of biohacking and longevity. 

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#311: AGING REWIND: 4 Lifestyle Tweaks That Turn the Clock Back | With Nathalie Niddam

On today’s episode, I'm doing something a bit different—stepping away from our usual discussions about peptides, supplements, and high-tech health solutions. Instead, I'm focusing on some of the most basic, yet crucial lifestyle habits that could accelerate your aging without you even realizing it. These foundational habits are often overlooked, but they play a significant role in how we age. I'll discuss the importance of prioritizing sleep, managing unchecked stress, finding the right balance with exercise, and nurturing social connections.

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#302: If You Have Creeky or Painful Joints and BIG Dreams of Staying Active, These Nonsurgical Solutions Are The NEW Way Forward - With Dr. Jeff Gross

In this episode, I’m joined by the incredible Dr. Jeff Gross from ReCELLebrate, a top neurosurgeon specializing in non-surgical regenerative medicine. Dr. Gross is here to debunk some long-standing myths, most notably the belief that cartilage can't regrow. Yes, you heard that right—regenerating cartilage is now within reach, and the implications for joint health and longevity are game-changing.

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